Thursday, December 8, 2016

Smile that means the World

When facebook was new 
And your sister turned two
I posted my first note for her
To read and treasure when she grows up

But you are already three
And have nothing written from me
So that noone calls me biased Maasi
Here is my tiny token of love
For the only nephew I have

I still remember when I first saw you
Like every other infant I was scared of you too
But then you gave a toothless smile to me
As I picked and looked at you closely

We then met after more than a year
And I was forgotten it was clear
I restarted building the relationship
By showering you with many gifts

Once again it was your smile 
Which made a mark in my memory
This time with one tooth in front
And a lot of gaps around 

We met again in couple of months
Your smile changed to laughter and giggles
The house went quiet when you left 
Those giggles still brings smile to my face

A year later you grew up some more 
And could join us in the games outdoor
Your smile was still precious as ever
Something which I will always treasure

As you turn three today
I would just pray
That whether three, thirty three or hundred and three 
Smile and spread the smile 
Coz its one thing available for free


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