Friday, October 30, 2015

Faith in Strength

I still remember that year's June
When I was left all alone,
By someone with whom I had seen the future
Accepting the rejection I felt like a loser.

My roommate came to my rescue
But at that moment I had no clue
On how to survive without him
As all the days and nights were dim.

Then came a day when I saw
Those tearful eyes and wet pillow
I decided to move on
And do things that makes me grow.

With this I opened my bucket list
And pondered on them for a while.
Decision was made to start ticking them off
As we never know when life ends and we die.

I started with joining the gym
And going for the weekend runs.
This followed the swimming classes.
Grape stomping at Wine fest was total fun

While I loved walking on the beach at Gokarna
On a trip with unknowns to Jog Falls.
The palaces, forts, food and desert camp
In Rajasthan with friends was a different game ball

I set a target of reading 12 books for 2014
Which eventually reached to the number seventeen.
My runs continued and I finished my first half marathon
That too when I reached twenty nine years and day one.

Tried tapping on the tunes of Salsa,
At Velas watched the turtles hatching,
Crossed the 21 obstacles at mud rush,
Thoroughly enjoyed the experiments while cooking.

After the first trek in April 2015, a target was set then
To make the count of trek to ten
Come October and the target is complete
With 9 in Sahyadris and 1 in Himalayan heaven

Made new friends while trekking
Fought with fear in Rock climbing and rappelling
I screamed in flying fox in front of the masses
Loved the formations in yoga classes

I have realized with him I was weak
Today I am stronger and can proudly speak
Many Thanks for moving out
I am left with no doubt
Everything happens for better and best
I would wish to have all my faith
In someone who is not my weakness, but my strength.