Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Poet inside me :P

From the archives:
YOU and ME!!!

A sweet November
Is a popular movie
And as far as I remember
That season it was not so chilly

With all my packed suitcases
I was ready to visit home
And then in those staircases
We came closer and close

A couple of weeks of confusion
Few chats and some discussions
I found that I was in love
This made me feel like a flying dove

I finally got a rose with red petals
On this very day of mine
Once again you made me feel special
With a surprise Thai dinner and a glass of wine

With those walks in the Bos park
And the movies in the dark
Those meals at Peking City
The trips to different European cities
Our bonding became stronger and stronger
And I could not think of life without you any longer

Red was my dress
The dinner was to raise
A toast to the time
That cannot be measured in dollars or dime

Never will I forget
Your gift for me, to celebrate
A year of togetherness
That video clip treated me like a princess

The year just flew by
You were always my standby
With maggie and the soup
Whether I was alone or in a group

There have been many fights
And few tearful nights
But I am happy I am with you
Who always motivates me to be true

There are many golden moments
And loads of special ones
With you every day has been golden
Just forget about the broken ones.

You always bring me a smile
That’s the reason I want to go with you for miles

Don’t forget that it was you
Who encouraged me to pursue my interest in
Writing, in which I had interest
But seriously I had no clue

That this one will be so long, it might not be the best!!! 


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